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Home / Hot Stuff / Audio / Audeze now has a closed-back version of its LCD-2 headphones

Audeze now has a closed-back version of its LCD-2 headphones

For secretive audiophiles

If you really care about audio performance, Audeze’s LCD-2 cans have been a top pick for a while. Problem is, they’re open-back, which means your Phil Collins power hour playlist is slipping out for everyone to hear. We have no issue with that, obviously, but you know that Brian on accounts hates Phil, and rather than have it out with him again, you could just pick up a pair of the LCD2 Closed-Back, a – you guessed it – closed-back version of the LCD-2. That means they have the same planar magnetic design as their predecessor, but with – according to Audeze – increased isolation and significantly reduced ambient noise. And because they’re closed-back, they should have them beat in the bass department, too. How much will this musical privacy set you back? $899.

Profile image of Matt Tate Matt Tate Contributor


I'm fascinated by all things tech, but if you were going to leave me on a desert island, I'd probably ask for my Nintendo Switch, a drone, and a pair of noise-cancelling cans to block out the relentless seagull racket. When I'm not on Stuff duty you'll probably find me subscribing to too many podcasts, playing too many video games, or telling anyone who will listen that Spurs are going to win a trophy this season.

Areas of expertise

Video games, VR, smartwatches, headphones, smart speakers, bizarre Kickstarter campaigns

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