Nemo is an ultra-high-def 4K underwater drone for exploring and filming beneath the ocean waves
Yellow submarine (Mark II)

We’re used to airborne drones, but Nemo (from $799) wants you to explore the ocean rather than the skies. Reportedly more stable than its rivals due to its four-thruster design, Nemo’s ideal for shooting video (4K) and photos (16MP). Powerful LED lighting ramps up the picture quality underwater, while presumably temporarily blinding fish and making them amusingly bump into each other for some YouTube gold. While finding/blinding fishy Nemo, drone Nemo can plunge to 100m for up to three hours on a single charge. And to ensure it doesn’t get lost at sea, the drone’s tethered to its owner via a reinforced cable that also squirts whatever Nemo’s looking at to your phone in real time (or to VR goggles, if you want full immersion) – such as a furious dazzled shark that’s pledged to eat all drone-equipped humans.