Eve’s connected Weather monitor makes you more Michael Fish

For many years the best way to check on the weather was to stick your head out the window: if you got wet it was raining, if you needed to sort your hair out afterwards it was windy, and if you couldn’t see anything it was foggy. These days we’ve got gadgets like the new Eve Weather (US$69.95) to make the process a bit more scientific. It monitors temperature, humidity, and barometric pressure, but also tracks them over time, so you can keep an eye on weather trends in your local area rather than relying on more general forecasts. There’s a nice clear display on the front, or you can check in on your phone before you’ve even got out of bed, which is also where you’ll find the historical data (on your phone, not in bed). It’s HomeKit compatible and also supports Thread, a new mesh networking tech designed to make it easier to connect smart home kit together, so you’ll have to find something else to do on all those rainy Saturdays.