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Home / Hot Stuff / Smart home / The iKettle 3 invites AI over to tea

The iKettle 3 invites AI over to tea

Alexa, brew me a cuppa

Yelling at relatives to make you a fresh pot of tea rarely goes down well. If you do get a drink out of it, it’s likely to be a weak milky mess of revenge. Yelling at the iKettle 3 (£100) might make you look like a loon, but it will deliver boiling water on command – perfect for your next cuppa. Back with IFTTT and Alexa integration, the third iteration of this connected kettle can be boiled from anywhere in the world via the Smarter App – or added to your smart home recipes for a bedtime brew as the curtains close.

Profile image of Chris Rowlands Chris Rowlands Freelance contributor


Formerly News Editor at this fine institution, Chris now writes about tech from his tropical office. Sidetracked by sustainable stuff, he’s also keen on coffee kit, classic cars and any gear that gets better with age.

Areas of expertise

Cameras, gear and travel tech

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