BBC iPlayer iPad app to invade the US after Europe
We predict iPlayer app mania heading Stateside soon

We can’t wait to find out how many French and Italian iPad users leap at the chance to watch Fawlty Towers re-runs on the new BBC iPlayer iPad app. The video on demand app rolls out in Western Europe today with free content supported by ads and a premium subscription model of €7 a month.
But it’s just a soft launch in advance of rolling out the app to our American cousins. At least that’s what analysts believe, citing the size of the investment made to create the paid-for app against the relatively small number of iPad users in continental Europe (around eight million by year end) and the relatively high cost of subscription. With a large American iPad market champing at the bit to get in on some Auntie action, we think our friends across the pond could be looking at their own BBC iPlayer app before the end of the year.
Either way, we’re jealous of the download and offline storage options being offered to foreign subscribers. Don’t forget about Blighty, BBC.
BBC iPlayer heading to iPad this week
Rewatch iPhone app – get iPlayer downloads to your phone