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Home / News / EXCLUSIVE – All-new Toshiba Portégé M800 unveiled

EXCLUSIVE – All-new Toshiba Portégé M800 unveiled

We’ve just got our paws on the all-new Toshiba M800 lappy. The latest addition to the Portégé range, it’s taking direct aim

We’ve just got our paws on the all-new Toshiba M800 lappy. The latest addition to the Portégé range, it’s taking direct aim at Apple and a certain machine described this morning by a Tosh exec as “an attractive and expensive paperweight.”

There’s a 13.3in screen, a 1.3MP webcam, an optical drive and four USB drives, so there’s plenty of room for shoehorning in as many devices you need. No need to bemoan the complete lack of connectivity here. You’ll also find HDMI for pumping out hi-def action to your TV too. Now that’s the kind of addition we want on our notebooks.

And weighing in at a mere 2kg, it’s not likely to cripple you when lugging it about on tiresome business sojourns. Tosh is getting all het up about the design too, spouting forth on the all-white style of the machine. No comparisons needed here.

But when pushed about whether they’d be going up against our favourite white knight, the Asus Eee PC, Tosh said they weren’t quite ready. So no cheap models for a while then.

When it finally hits (and they’re remaining coy when it comes to dates and prices), you’ll be able to plump for Vista Home Premium or Vista Business, depending on how high-faluting you are.

We’ll be taking a more hands-on look later, so be sure to keep it locked down to Stuff.tv for our video review. 


Toshiba Portégé M800

Price: £tbc

On sale: tbc

Contact: Toshiba

Profile image of Andrew Hayward Andrew Hayward Freelance Writer


Andrew writes features, news stories, reviews, and other pieces, often when the UK home team is off-duty or asleep. I'm based in Chicago with my lovely wife, amazing son, and silly cats, and my writing about games, gadgets, esports, apps, and plenty more has appeared in more than 75 publications since 2006.

Areas of expertise

Video games, gadgets, apps, smart home

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