Xbox Kinect price: £160?
It’s no secret that there is one rule for pricing gadgetry in the States, and quite another for those of us heading for Gadgets R’ Us in the Sceptred
It’s no secret that there is one rule for pricing gadgetry in the States, and quite another for those of us heading for Gadgets R’ Us in the Sceptred Isle.
So news that Microsoft’s official online store has the company’s new Kinect motion-control sensor listed for US$150 has little bearing for us. Doesn’t it?
Well, yes. Technically, MS can set the UK price wherever they see fit. They’re a business, so if they can flog it for a few pennies more, they will.
But as a yardstick, the news is helpful. A straight conversion would put the UK Kinect’s price almost dead on £100.
Great news, right? Wrong. An Xbox 360 Arcade will set you back US$150 from the Stateside store, but £160 from the UK equivalent. That spells a similar price for the Kinect sensor.
Let’s hope Microsoft can cut us a break on this. We’d be surprised if anyone wanted to pay £160 for an accessory, but equally surprised if we got Kinect for £100. Somewhere in between seems likely… how much would you pay?
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