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Home / News / Xbox One UK game prices announced

Xbox One UK game prices announced

Shiny new Xbox One games will set British gamers back £50. Time to start saving...

Microsoft has revealed that Xbox One games will officially be priced at £49.99 in the UK.

While Sony has yet to announce PS4 game prices for Brits, we expect PS4 games to hit shelves at the same price, as both Xbox One and PS4 games have already been confirmed to sell in the US for US$59.99.

Prices aren’t expected to stay at £50 for long though. Amazon has already listed Need for Speed Rivals at £43, and we expect other games and shops to follow suit.

Check out our Xbox One vs PS4 guide to see which console you’ll be backing later this year, and have a browse through the Xbox One and PS4 titles to see which is worthy of your cash.

[via IGN]

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