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Sponsored and Promoted Content

You’ve got us: Stuff is a commercial enterprise. But you don’t pay a penny, except with your eyes. Around the site you’ll see traditional display advertising, which we’re paid to display. Elsewhere, you’ll see articles marked in green with the following words:


These are articles written in Stuff’s inimitable house style, but with product messaging from a clearly marked sponsor. It’s paid-for advertising content, but it will also aim to entertain and inform you about a topic you care about.


These are articles that have been made possible by a commercial sponsor, but that are written by or commissioned by Stuff’s editorial team and where the commercial sponsor has no control over or sign-off on the final article. There might be boxouts linking to products made by the sponsor, but they will be clearly marked.

Interested in having Sponsored or Promoted content yourself? Speak to our Head of Commercial Neil Tillott (neilt@talk-media.uk) – Tel: 01959 543719 | ext 7003

Also read: Everything you need to know about Stuff

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