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Home / Reviews / Audio / Headphones / Beyerdynamic DT880 Premium review

Beyerdynamic DT880 Premium review

The DT880 Premiums have a variable headband with enough room for everyone but without the vice like grip of professional pairs

These headphones should be worn with matching silver smoking jacket and slippers. They feel so comfortable, it’s as though you’re putting your ears to bed. But you’re not.

Don your smoking jacket for these

You are, in fact, treating them to a beautifully emotive lesson in headphones. These cans very nearly reach aural perfection; stick on Radiohead’s OK Computer and you’ll hear every stretched sinew in all its gloriously breathy beauty.

And, if you’re the sort who always rips the Christmas party hats with your oversized cranium, you’ll be pleased to hear the DT880 Premiums have a variable headband with enough room for everyone, but without the vice like grip of professional pairs.

Stuff Says…

Score: 5/5

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