Halo Spartan Assault for Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8 revealed
343 Industries reveals the latest non-console installment in the Halo series. Suit up and click on through for all you need to know

Carmageddon (£1.49)

Classic driving game Carmageddon bursts onto Google Play with all the frenzied motor mayhem that had its original Mac and PC release whipping up a taboid frenzy in 1997. You race around a number of open world environments, gaining points by damaging your competitors’ cars and taking out any pedestrians that get in your way.
Blitz Brigade (£Free)

Fans of multiplayer first person shooter action will find a lot to like in Gameloft’s Blitz Brigade. Choose to join one of five different battle classes, then team up with other players, hone your skills and kick some virtual ass on the battlefield. Up to 12 players can play at the same time, fighting with a choice of over 100 weapons, with more than 120 missions to fulfil.
Lazy Raiders (£Free)

Dr Diggabone is a lazy archaelogist looking to find his fortune and retire early. To help him get off his backside, you’ll need to tilt, spin and flip your phone around to quite literally roll him around 60 different mazes, collecting gems, finding ruins and uncovering priceless lost relics, all while dodging thieves and traps as you go.
Sonic the Hedgehog (£2.35)

The Sonic game that started it all has landed on Android, bringing with it all the fast-paced ring-collecting action that made it such a classic. The seven levels from the original are all present and correct, but there are a few new additions thrown in for good measure too. Alongside a remastered soundtrack and 60fps widescreen support, players can unlock Tails and Knuckles as playable characters, plus there’s a new Time Attack mode for challenging yourself against the clock as well.
Karateka (£0.65)

It’s certainly a great week for nostalgic gamers on Google Play, with this karate classic from 1984 rounding off our top picks for the week. The first game from the creator of Prince of Persia, this simplistic, pixel-tastic side-scroller retains all the charm of the original Apple II experience as you fight enemy after enemy to save the princess from the evil warlord, Akuma.