B&O Beosound 2 review
B&O’s Beosound 2 boasts a solid build, display-less design and a 512MB SD card to store your music

This has got to be the only MP3 player that can make an iPod look pedestrian. Solid build quality, a fashionable display-less design and A8 headphones that look as bonkers – and desirable – as the player.
On a practical level though, this is perhaps not the best choice. The software is a nightmare and the controls seem to work against you. But by MP3 standards it sounds excellent – weighty and distinct – and it’s just so nice and shiny in your hand.
A 512MB SD card is spacious enough but the armband for use while exercising could be a bridge too far. Then again, let your heart win out on this one – leave your head to listen to the playback.