Devil May Cry 5 review
V for Vendetta

In a stat that will make you whiter than Dante’s stringy hair, it’s been a massive six years since Ninja Theory’s DMC reboot rocked the angrier corners of the internet with its edgy take on Capcom’s action classic. And despite DMC now being considered a series high point for many, Capcom has granted the wishes of the hardcore fans and taken Dante back in-house for this long-awaited sequel to 2008’s Devil May Cry 4.
In the imaginatively-titled Devil May Cry 5, then, you switch between series hero Dante, young upstart Nero, and bizarre emo animal-summoner V, as the three of you try to figure out how to defeat new all-conquering demon King Urizen, who sits on a throne inside a giant demon tree. Of course he does.
The question is, does Devil May Cry still have a place at the top table of action gaming after all these years?
Well, to quote Dante himself: Hell yeah.


Better together

Devil May Cry 5 Verdict

Stuff Says…
World class combat, old-fashioned design.
Good Stuff
Truly magnificent combat
Three character system is interesting
Beautiful visuals
Bad Stuff
Basic level-design
V is not as enjoyable as Dante and Nero
Story feels like a step back