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Home / Reviews / Audio / Hi-Fi & Streaming / Exspect EX80085 review

Exspect EX80085 review

The Exspect is basically a chunky neoprene bag with some built in NXT speakers which will hold your music player and software

An intriguing concept: create a chunky neoprene bag capable of holding your music player and a fair bit of software, and build in some flat, powered NXT speakers.

Of course, it was originally TDK’s concept but Exspect has made a unique addition: a blow-up pillow that sits atop the black case and allows you to lie back and enjoy the sweet music in comfort.

For winter use only

These are not for those afflicted with a sweaty neck, mind you, especially come summer. And the sound is somewhat anaemic – NXT still can’t cut it against conventional drivers. But it’s a very neat solution.

Stuff Says…

Score: 4/5

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