I’m done tinkering with tech – I want things to just work
Technology. It just works! Except when it doesn’t. And that way either lies glee or frustration…

Technology. It just works! Except when it doesn’t. And that way either lies glee or frustration…
$6 microboard wants to be the brains for your next hardware and coding projects
There’s a whiff of nostalgia as I free the Raspberry Pi 400 from its cardboard confines. Being a computer inside a keyboard, it’s part 1980s throwback, recalling the halcyon days of the C64, ZX Spectrum, BBC Micro and Commodore Amiga. But this is no chunky contraption — instead, the device resembles a modern (if cheap) PC […]
Dual-band Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 4.2 and a nippier processor
Throws electricity one foot through the air to top up your tech
The teeniest, tiniest DIY computer board around gets a very welcome wireless upgrade