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Home / Hot Stuff / Gaming / Woo-hoo! Arcade1Up’s remaking the iconic four-player Simpsons Arcade Machine for your living room

Woo-hoo! Arcade1Up’s remaking the iconic four-player Simpsons Arcade Machine for your living room


The Simpsons season 33 is – terrifyingly – imminent. But when it was fresher (yellower?) of face, the franchise unleashed an arcade game, where you brawled through Springfield, duffing up goons sent by Mr. Burns. The conceit: Smithers stole a gem, which ended up in Maggie’s gob, and so he stole her instead. Videogames! Although you can get at the entire Simpsons back catalogue on Disney+, the arcade game’s a trickier prospect, with original cabs costing absurd cash on eBay. Fortunately, then, Arcade1Up’s remade it as The Simpsons Arcade Machine (£TBC). Like its other home cabs, this one’s in 75% scale, has coinless operation, and comes with a custom riser to make it the right height for adult humans. The action plays out on a 17in LCD screen, and you get the full set of joysticks and buttons for simultaneous four-player action. But there’s a twist: a ‘Live WiFi’ feature also allows you to fight through levels with Simpsons Arcade1Up cab owners from around the world. ¡Ay, caramba!

Profile image of Craig Grannell Craig Grannell Contributor


I’m a regular contributor to Stuff magazine and Stuff.tv, covering apps, games, Apple kit, Android, Lego, retro gaming and other interesting oddities. I also pen opinion pieces when the editor lets me, getting all serious about accessibility and predicting when sentient AI smart cookware will take over the world, in a terrifying mix of Bake Off and Terminator.

Areas of expertise

Mobile apps and games, Macs, iOS and tvOS devices, Android, retro games, crowdfunding, design, how to fight off an enraged smart saucepan with a massive stick.

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