Fighting fanatics unleash collective sigh as Tekken X Street Fighter is cancelled
Bandai Namco's end of the crossover is no longer in development

When announced in 2010, Street Fighter X Tekken sounded like a dream come true: a collaboration between two of the top fighting game franchises ever created. And there would be another game to follow: Tekken X Street Fighter.
While Capcom’s game released in 2012 and did a great job of bringing Tekken characters into the Street Fighter framework, Bandai Namco’s follow-up game has stayed quietly hidden in the years since, with only vague status updates to keep the fighting faithful at bay. In fact, the artwork below is from 2010, and it’s the only thing we’ve seen. Sadly, the latest update isn’t good news at all: Tekken X Street Fighter is no longer in development.
“When we develop fighting games, we try to keep the core community in mind as well as the wider audience that wants to play these games,” said Tekken series director Katsuhiro Harada to GameSpot. “But currently the situation is with fighting games, you have Street Fighter V that just released – a lot of people are playing that fervently – and there’s a large crowd out there waiting for Tekken 7.”
“We don’t want to split these communities, so a good window in which to release Tekken x Street Fighter is something that’s become difficult recently,” he continued. “So it’s on hold for the moment.”

While his statement leaves the door open for an eventual revival and release, it’s hard to be too optimistic at this point: Street Fighter X Tekken released four full years ago at this point, and we haven’t heard anything concrete about Tekken X Street Fighter in the meantime. If it eventually comes, it probably won’t be for a good, long while.
Bandai Namco recently teamed with Nintendo for the fun Pokkén Tournament on Wii U, and Tekken 7 was released into Japanese arcades about a year ago, with a PlayStation 4 version with PlayStation VR support still due sometime down the line. It may also release on other platforms, but nothing more has been announced just yet.
Street Fighter‘s Akuma will be a guest character in the Fated Retribution update to Tekken 7, and should be in the console version(s) as well.
[Source: GameSpot]
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