How to cancel Apple Music after your three-month free trial
Does exactly what it says on the tin
Signed up to Apple Music when it first came out? Then your three-month free trial will be over very soon, and you’ll have to fork out £9.99 a month from 1 October.
If you don’t fancy adding another regular drain to your funds, then you can cancel your subscription without paying a penny.
Pick up your iOS device of choice (feel free to use whichever hand you like), and open up the Apple Music app. So far so good.
Hit up the face icon in the top left, and you’ll be presented with your account page, after which you should tap on ‘View Apple ID’. Enter your password, and boom, you’ve just hacked into the mainframe. Go you.
From here, press ‘Manage’ in the subscriptions area, and you’ll have a list of all of your subscriptions. Hit up Apple Music, and slide the ‘Automatic Renewal’ option to ‘Off’.
Congratulations, you have nullified your Apple Music trial, and you won’t be charged unless you flick that switch to ‘On’.
Join us next week, where we’ll show you how to remove beetroot stains from your cat, with one simple trick that’ll make housewives and doctors hate you with a vehement passion.