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Home / Reviews / Tablets & computers / Laptops / Asus W5F review

Asus W5F review

The Asus W5F comes with smooth matt black finish, an integrated swivelly webcam and Intel innards

Asus knows how to keep it simple but while this compact laptop might lack fancy design flourishes, there’s something jolly appealing about its smooth matt black finish and integrated swivelly webcam.

The Asus W5F has Intel to thank for the sheer amount of processing grunt packed into what should by rights be a delicate little ultraportable. An Intel Core Duo T2400 processor paired with an 80GB hard drive and 512MB memory, packs a decent punch.

Average graphics performance aside, the W5F punches way above its sylph-like weight. We’re enthralled…

Stuff Says…

Score: 5/5

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