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Home / Hot Stuff / Tech toys / IKEA joins forces with Lego to build the BYGGLEK storage solution

IKEA joins forces with Lego to build the BYGGLEK storage solution

Building box

Where adults see mess, kids see a stimulating playground. And that’s why parents get regular painful reminders of what it feels like to step on random Lego bricks hiding in the carpet. In joining forces with Lego, IKEA aims to bridge the divide between these world views with BYGGLEK (£TBA, available 1 October). A range of IKEA-compatible boxes with Lego studs on, BYGGLEK is designed to house loose Lego, store stories, and even be integrated into ambitious large Lego builds. Although it strikes Stuff that the last of those things could again lead to Lego pieces falling off such creations and finding their way to your feet. Still, collectors will beam at the bag of bricks you get with the BYGGLEK, and parents can find solace that at least some bricks are safely stored out of harm’s (and their feet’s) way.

Profile image of Craig Grannell Craig Grannell Contributor


I’m a regular contributor to Stuff magazine and Stuff.tv, covering apps, games, Apple kit, Android, Lego, retro gaming and other interesting oddities. I also pen opinion pieces when the editor lets me, getting all serious about accessibility and predicting when sentient AI smart cookware will take over the world, in a terrifying mix of Bake Off and Terminator.

Areas of expertise

Mobile apps and games, Macs, iOS and tvOS devices, Android, retro games, crowdfunding, design, how to fight off an enraged smart saucepan with a massive stick.

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