Mortal Kombat X out in 2015 for platforms old and new
Check out the first trailer for the online multiplayer-centric entry

Check out the first trailer for the online multiplayer-centric entry
Microsoft wants the Xbox One to be your portal to Brazil this summer, and it looks set to deliver
Don’t miss these quick-hit news stories—even if you’re lounging the holiday away
Microsoft outlines what’s coming in the console’s next big software update
Jens Matthies, creative director at MachineGames, explains how he and his team rebooted the FPS classic
Start the week off right by catching up on all of the latest tech happenings
Master Chief to return next year on the first Halo title built for Xbox One – and the TV show will arrive at the same time
Get your morning fix with our roundup of quick-hit news blasts
Microsoft delivers “more choices”, and opens up streaming services to non-Gold members
The most essential tech news you need to kick-start the morning
Original televised content coming to Xbox consoles and Windows 8 devices
At some point, anyway. But the fact that it’s in the pipeline is still a reason for celebratory cake