Lego reveals Harry Potter Diagon Alley — a magical modular set with an AR twist
Harry Shopper

There are few places in Harry Potter’s world more exciting and vibrant than Diagon Alley, and now Lego’s announced its latest take on this iconic location. Having apparently decided to rival an actual street’s dimensions, Harry Potter Diagon Alley (£369.99) is the longest official Lego set ever made. Once your fingers have stopped screaming at having worked through a mammoth 5,544 pieces, you’ll be proudly staring at a street scene that’s over a metre wide. The 14 included minifigs can then merrily browse a range of shops: Ollivanders, Scribbulus Writing Implements, Quality Quidditch Supplies, the Daily Prophet, Florean Fortescue’s Ice Cream Parlour, Flourish & Blotts bookseller and Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes. To preview the set in your own home, check it out in AR. And because the buildings are modular, they can be rearranged with ease, which fortunately means you won’t need a genuinely magical Lego Room of Requirement to store and display the things.