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Home / Hot Stuff / Smart home / Ford’s noise-cancelling kennel is a safe haven for your canine companion

Ford’s noise-cancelling kennel is a safe haven for your canine companion

The sound of silence

We all love a good New Year’s shindig, but while we’re celebrating the good times with champagne and fireworks, there’ll be a bunch of panicking pooches up and down the country wishing the painful din would buzz off. Indeed, an estimated 45 percent of dogs in the UK show signs of fear when they hear fireworks, and many owners might feel there’s not a lot they can do besides provide comfort and hope the partying stops sooner rather than later. In an attempt to offer an alternative (and more practical) solution, Ford has created a noise-canceling kennel that uses the same tech found in cars and headphones to protect your pet’s sensitive ears. Once microphones inside the prototype kennel detect the sound of fireworks, a built-in audio system emits opposing frequencies that should cancel out (or at the very least reduce) the noise completely. It’s only a concept for now, but it’s a superb idea that would massively improve the lives of our furry friends.

Profile image of Chris Kerr Chris Kerr Contributor, Stuff.tv


I’m a freelance games and technology journalist currently mashing my keyboard in the name of fine institutions like Stuff, where you'll usually find me waxing lyrical about the latest mobile morsels. I've also been known to cook up some decidedly delicious reviews from time to time, and was once dubbed 'the games industry's answer to Nigella Lawson' by someone probably somewhere.

Areas of expertise

Video games, computing, smartphones, home entertainment, lamps

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