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Home / News / Iconic A-Bike gets an electric kickstart

Iconic A-Bike gets an electric kickstart

Are “bikes” electric? (This one is)

Tiny road or big bike?

Ah, one of life’s fundamental dilemmas is that. But, no, it’s not a big bike. It’s a bike, and an A-Bike is what it is, and a big deal too because it’s the first electric version.

It’s being Kickstartered into existence – or rather, we should say it has been Kickstartered into existence because while there are several weeks left on the campaign, there are backers to the tune of over 150% already queued up for a go. The early bird deals are all gone – now you’re looking at £590 or more for fantastic folding fun.

Is it designed for humans? It looks… weird.

Pot kettle black, lad. Of course it’s designed for humans. The original A-Bike, pictured below, was designed by none other than the mighty Sir Clive Sinclair, British inventor of futuristic consumables such as the ZX Spectrum and the Sinclair C5.

The A-Bike was designed to be your tiny-two-wheeled transport between train and desk. This new electric version is designed for the same user scenario, but with a dollop less graft.

It doesn’t look very powerful.

Yeah? Well, a butterfly can fly yet can’t make butter, so don’t trust your eyes with everything you see, youngling.

Uh, what?

Fifteen miles! That’s the approximate range of the 12kg A-Bike Electric – depending on how much of its 12.5mph top speed you use, depending on whether you live up Alpe d’Huez and depending on how much of a lardy tot you are. And, frankly, if it’s that sort of distance between the station and your office, then you’ve probably got off at the wrong stop.

Profile image of Fraser Macdonald Fraser Macdonald consulting editor


Fraser used to wear a Psion Series 3 palmtop in a shoulder holster. Perhaps he still does.Either way, his lifelong mission - including fourteen years for Stuff - has been to see whether the consumer electronics industry can ever replicate that kind of cyborgian joy.So far: nope. Despite a plan to combine a action camera and Olympus Eye-Trek goggles to become Man Who Sees The Vision Of A Man Three Inches Taller Than Himself.He also likes mountain bikes, motorbikes, cars, helicopters. Still thinks virtual surround is witchcraft. Dislikes jetskis, despite never having been on one. 

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