Siri fail in the UK
That’s right, the saving grace of the iPhone 4S is more beta than we thought

The iPhone 4S’s new ‘virtual assistant’ Siri is still ace – and we think it’ll be the start of a vocal revolution. But – and it’s a pretty big but – it’s not really UK ready, as you can see from this response to a question about UK facilities.
For the iPhone 4S’s killer app, it’s a pretty big fail – so hold your horses on rushing to join the record-breaking queue at the Apple Store on Regent Street, check the iPhone 4S buying guide a little closer, and watch our Siri video before you rush in.
We’ve asked Apple to comment and tell us when Siri will be up and running fully in the UK. Check back for the response as soon as we get it. Keep posted via our Twitter.
Until then rest assured we are impressed, the dictation is absolutely amazing, even if it claims it only understands American English – Siri you are too modest.
Siri will start a vocal revolution with the iPhone 4S
Where to buy an iPhone 4S on release day – UPDATED
Siri demo video