UPDATED: Nintendo’s SNES is back
The Super Nintendo console is back, and it's going head-to-head with Ninty's Wii U this Christmas

Knowing your original SNES could be as old as 22 – with ten of those years spent in a dusty, spider-ridden loft – it’s probably seen better days, assuming you didn’t sell it a mate (or have it thrown out by your mum). Luckily, the French retroists at Lekki will be releasing a new version of the console on November 28th.
The iconic piece of gaming hardware will be available brand new and in a range of four colours when it launches, with each pack containing one controller and a remastered copy of Super Mario, one of the games that helped catapult Nintendo to stardom. Perfect retro gaming shenanigans for Christmas.
A number of other titles will be offered from the Lekki website should you get fed up of falling to your death in Mario, so it’s quite likely you’ll be able to enjoy some Donkey Kong, too.
Assuming nostalgia gets the best of you, expect to pay £120 for the pack and £14 for each extra controller when it becomes available to buy on Lekki’s website.
UPDATE: Lekki has confirmed original SNES games will work with the new console so now is the time to dig out your old collection or trawl eBay for some cartdridge bargains.
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