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Home / News / Wi-Fi radar can see through walls, and you

Wi-Fi radar can see through walls, and you

Just like Batman’s sonar, this Wi-Fi radar lets you see everything, even someone's breathing

In Dark Knight, Batman uses a sonar-based signal receiver to see through walls – now using Wi-Fi signals scientists have developed a similar system.

When a radio wave reflects off an object its wavelength changes allowing this briefcase-sized processing unit with dual antennas to track objects in a room. The algorithm is so accurate it can even detect the movements of a ribcage as a person breaths.

This brilliant discovery has great implications, primarily helping military operations by seeing through walls. Plus once the algorithm is perfected this system, using 20 Wi-Fi radio transmitters, could surround a patient’s hospital bed and monitor them better than current methods but non-invasively without the needs for wires and tubes.

[Via PopSci]

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Voted most likely to be up at 3am killing dragons online, Erna is mad about gizmos and games. Writes fun stuff for Stuff.tv from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

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