The 5 best mobile cricket games in the world
As the Twenty20 Cricket World Cup gets underway, we’ve rounded up the best touchscreen takes on the connoisseur’s bat’n’ball sport
As the Twenty20 Cricket World Cup gets underway, we’ve rounded up the best touchscreen takes on the connoisseur’s bat’n’ball sport
Wish clubs had see-through walls? No need, Delv’s genius hype bar knows where the party is
And you can try the beta version now on Android
Turn chores into boss battles and evening jogs into zombie attacks with the best gamification apps
Keep an eye on your vitals with this sensor-packed smartphone jacket
It doesn’t just track your movements – it’s an AI coach that tells you when you’re doing things wrong
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It’s all to do with brain plasticity you see
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The social network giant has pretty slick app to go along with its double-digit candles
Korg wants you to swim in fuzzy basslines. Here’s why you should dive in
The tiny Chüne can create a personalised playlist based on the tastes of your guests