Supreme’s new ‘Burner’ feature phone is one for the hypebeast generation
Lunacy or genius?

I’ll level with you, when it comes to fashion, youth culture, and generally being down with the kids, I’m probably the most painstakingly pedestrian twenty-something you’ll meet. So, when I look at the new Supreme ‘Burner’ phone from Blu, the only thing I see is a brazen marketing gimmick that’ll likely be lapped up by people 10 years my junior. Yet, despite that harsh take, I have to applaud the fashion brand for slapping a giant version of its logo on a low-end brick that has stand-out features including 3G capabilities and a vague “built-in camera.” It’s an inspired move that’ll likely convince a gaggle of self-styled hypebeasts to (temporarily) ditch their iPhone in pursuit of fleeting social recognition. Well played, Supreme. Well played.