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Home / Features / Fully Charged: 3D printed speakers, Samsung brings back buttons and holiday videos go 360 degrees

Fully Charged: 3D printed speakers, Samsung brings back buttons and holiday videos go 360 degrees

The perfect gadgety start to your day

DIY hi-fi

3D printing your own hi-fi has come a step closer thanks to boffins at Cornell, who have found a way to 3D print an entire speaker.

The speaker comes out of the printer ready to blast out your favourite tunes, although the team does admit the audio quality still needs a little work.

There’s also the small matter of needing two 3D printers to complete the gadget – but, as Cornell points out, the 3D printing world is changing so fast it won’t be too long before we’ll all be rushing to our printer on the day new gadgets are released.

[Source: Cornell]

Samsung Galaxy Core brings back buttons

Samsung Galaxy Core

If you pine for the days of a mobile phone with actual buttons, then Samsung has some good news – especially if you’re on a budget.

The new Galaxy Core Advance will hit shelves early next year, and boasts a trio of buttons on the front with dedicated camera and voice recorder buttons on the side.

It’s also a reasonably specced budget Android handset, with Android 4.2 and TouchWiz running on a 480 x 800 display and a 1.2GHz dual-core processor.

[Source: Samsung]

tap to turn

They’re the ultimate safe cycling gloves, and also look pretty cool.

Created by ex-Google engineer Zach Vorhies, the Zackees (we aren’t sure about the name either) contain an array of LED lights.

They appear to add a layer of safety to riding, but crucially, they’re also brilliant for Spiderman fans, as the lights are activated by tapping your thumb and finger together. The US$69 (£42) gloves are set to go on sale via Kickstarter.

[Source: Kickstarter]

360-degree holiday videos

Consumer virtual reality style headsets could finally be coming to fruition thanks to the Oculus Rift and other head-mounted displays.

However, what are we going to do without new wraparound cyber vision?

Well, there’s always gaming, but thanks to a new Kickstarter project, we’ll soon be able to record out own holiday videos in glorious 360 degree video thanks to this neat addon for a digital camera.

The Eye Mirror 360 will snap onto cameras like the GoPro, letting you capture surround video, which you can either navigate with a mouse or, if you’re one of the lucky few, with a headset.

[Source: Kickstarter]

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