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Home / Hot Stuff / Cameras / Insta360 Pro is an 8K camera that won’t bodge your panorama

Insta360 Pro is an 8K camera that won’t bodge your panorama

Silky smooth stitching for your livestream

360-degree filming has a bit of a mixed reputation, what with the often shoddy stitching that leaves half a face floating through footage. Insta360’s Pro camera (US$3499) changes this, though, with optical flow stitching – a clever bit of software that analyses images at pixel level to stitch them smartly and neatly, across all six lenses (or fewer, if you’d prefer a closer focus). Throw an 8K resolution into the mix, alongside real-time stabilisation, and you’ve an astoundingly sharp, smooth picture – which, thanks to a 60% chop in bandwidth and on-board Wi-Fi, can be shared straight to Facey-B and YouTube.

Profile image of Chris Rowlands Chris Rowlands Freelance contributor


Formerly News Editor at this fine institution, Chris now writes about tech from his tropical office. Sidetracked by sustainable stuff, he’s also keen on coffee kit, classic cars and any gear that gets better with age.

Areas of expertise

Cameras, gear and travel tech

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