MagFlött is a premium floating iPad magnetic stand with swish iMac style
You’ll want to take a stand

iPad stands tend to be ugly things: bendy arms that never quite sit right, or plastic concoctions desperately trying to evoke the feel of Apple without the budget to do so. MagFlött (from $99) reasons that if you’ve spent a pile of cash on a fancy iPad Pro or iPad Air, you’re going to want a premium stand to plonk it on. Despite its IKEA-like moniker, MagFlött echoes Apple design language – specifically that of the latest iMac. But MagFlött is more versatile than the stand on Apple’s desktop. Snap your iPad on to its magnetic surface – covered with ultra-soft fabric to avoid scratches – and you can rotate your device 360° or tilt it 180°. Ideal for a spot of gaming, Sidecar (or the upcoming Universal Control) or showing off your screen to whoever’s sitting opposite – whether they ask you to or not. Handily, the entire thing is rock solid too, ensuring your pride and joy will ‘flött’ in the air indefinitely, rather than ‘kräshh’ to the floor.