‘Digital cloud’ planned for London’s Olympic Park
How can London out-weird Beijing's 'bird nest' stadium from the 2008 Olympics? One possibility is this slightly bonkers creation from the MIT – a 400f
How can London out-weird Beijing’s ‘bird nest’ stadium from the 2008 Olympics? One possibility is this slightly bonkers creation from the MIT – a 400ft tall ‘digital cloud’ that would hover over the Olympic Park and act as a display for projected images and Tweets.
The design is an entry to a competition set up by Boris Johnson to find an Olympic landmark. And it’s pleasingly techy too, with Google – one of the project’s supporters – suggesting that it could act as a display for ‘a custom feed of searches made by Londoners during the Olympics to give a real time barometer of the city’s mood’. And possibly its ‘eccentricities’ too.
The images released by the team behind ‘The Cloud’ suggest it’s still firmly in the concept stage – cyclists are depicted hurtling down a ramp filled with pedestrians, and the construction could prove an interesting ‘challenge’ for London’s City Airport (only six miles away).
But a fundraising site called raisethecloud.org is already live, with the idea that it’d be ‘a monument to crowd-sourcing’. In other words, London hasn’t got enough spare change from the Olympic stadium to build a Beijing-beating monument, so get donating.