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Home / News / Fully Charged: BBM coming to Samsung Galaxies, Amazon CEO buys Washington Post and Earth-killing asteroids mapped

Fully Charged: BBM coming to Samsung Galaxies, Amazon CEO buys Washington Post and Earth-killing asteroids mapped

Ease yourself into the day with this collection of tech-related tidbits

BBM coming to Samsung Galaxy phones “soon”

We already know that BlackBerry Messenger is coming to Android and iOS, but the release date has always been irritatingly vague. Well, now it seems that owners of Android-based Samsung Galaxy phones and tablets can expect the messaging app to arrive “soon”. Samsung has announced that Africa-based owners of Galaxy devices can expect the app before long – and we’d bet our house that that means the rest of the world is coming along for the ride. [Source: N4BB]

Amazon CEO buys The Washington Post for US$250m

Jeff Bezos

Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon, has agreed a deal to purchase venerable – but struggling – US broadsheet The Washington Post for US$250 million (£163,000,000) in cash. Bezos, one of America’s richest men (his net worth is estimated at US$25 billion), will reportedly run the newspaper totally separate from Amazon. [Source: Washington Post]

Here’s a picture of all potential Earth-killing asteroids

Here’s a picture of all potential Earth-killing asteroids

There are a lot of rocks hurtling through space, and some of them are big enough and close enough to Earth to warrant serious attention from NASA; if it’s larger than 350ft in diameter and within 4.6 million miles of us, they’re keeping tabs on it as a potential threat. The agency is currently aware of 1,397 such asteroids, and has brought them all together in this rather fetching image. One thing to note: potentially hazardous comets are not included in the graphic – this is just asteroids. [Source: Popular Science]

Woman buys “two iPhones” from Gumtree, receives nasty surprise

An Australian woman was left red-faced this week after an online purchase went wrong. The 21-year-old from Brisbane arranged to buy two iPhones from a Gumtree user for AU$1,500 (£870), met the seller in a McDonald’s car park and exchanged the cash for two iPhone boxes. However, when she later checked inside, she found no smartphones, merely a single apple in each box – something of an unnecessarily cruel twist from the scam artist, who had driven off by the time the trick was uncovered. Moral of the story: always check for fruit when you’re buying tech. [Source: Herald Sun]

Profile image of Sam Kieldsen Sam Kieldsen Contributor


Tech journalism's answer to The Littlest Hobo, I've written for a host of titles and lived in three different countries in my 15 years-plus as a freelancer. But I've always come back home to Stuff eventually, where I specialise in writing about cameras, streaming services and being tragically addicted to Destiny.

Areas of expertise

Cameras, drones, video games, film and TV

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