Fully functioning keyboard 3D printed in single session
Objet Connex multi-material 3D printer able to create a properly assembled keyboard in one pass

Most 3D printed objects are either rigid or flexible, but rarely both. Objet’s Connex printer, however, is capable of printing with more than one material, enabling you to print out objects such as this functioning keyboard, which uses rigid material for the frame and keys and a rubber-like flexible material for the key cushions and feet.
Not only that, but it prints both materials in a single session, so the keyboard requires no assembly whatsoever. Obviously you’ll need to route in some electronics to make it compatible with a PC, but the physical build is 90 percent finished from the moment it leaves the printer.
Just another example of where 3D printing is heading and how it’s going to change the way we get hold of the products we need – especially when we get printers that can produce 3D printed circuits, too and churn out a fully-assembled gadget in one go.
[Objet via 3Dprinter.net]
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