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Home / News / This is the new HTC One, 2014

This is the new HTC One, 2014

One Plus, + 2, M8 - whatever you want to call it, this is almost definitely it

Although we’ve seen plenty of HTC One Plus leaks before, this is the most credible one we’ve seen to date. Shiny, isn’t it?

While the corners look a little rounder than the current HTC One, its soul is still very much present. From the solid aluminium build and polycarbonate detailing, to the micro-drilled speaker holes, it’s a very handsome smartphone indeed.

Though we’d prefer a less blingy colour ourselves, multiple hues are expected at launch.

You don’t have to have hawk eyes to notice the dual cameras on the rear – a feature that’s been leaked many a time before.

Some say they’ll be used for Lytro-like post-shot refocusing. Others say that they’re adapted to different lighting conditions. 

And then there’s the tiny minority of people who are calmly munching away on biscuits and sipping tea, patiently waiting until 25 March for the official launch. Good on them.

The dual white/amber LED flash is also clearly visible, as are the onscreen buttons. 

Unlike a previously reported leaked photo, the HTC logo is visible on the front. We’re siding with @evleaks on this one though – he rarely lets us down.

What’s in a name?

Notice how it’s referred to as the HTC One, 2014? That suggests HTC has opted for the iPad-like naming scheme, instead of creating an abomination of a moniker like the HTC One 2. Shudder.

Profile image of Esat Dedezade Esat Dedezade Contributor


Esat has been a gadget fan ever since his tiny four-year-old brain was captivated by a sound-activated dancing sunflower. From there it was a natural progression to a Sega Mega Drive, a brief obsession with hedgehogs, and a love for all things tech. After 7 years as a writer and deputy editor for Stuff, Esat ventured out into the corporate world, spending three years as Editor of Microsoft's European News Centre. Now a freelance writer, his appetite for shiny gadgets has no bounds. Oh, and like all good human beings, he's very fond of cats.

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