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Home / News / Reviewed: Edge Core Wi-Fi Skype phone

Reviewed: Edge Core Wi-Fi Skype phone

Internet phone calls are generally as fun as watching the last season of Big Brother but can, occasionally, hit exciting heights and live up to their

Internet phone calls are generally as fun as watching the last season of Big Brother but can, occasionally, hit exciting heights and live up to their potential of killing landlines and mobiles. This week’s been one of those moments, as Stuff‘s been playing with this Edge Core phone – the first PC-free Wi-Fi Skype phone you can actually buy. Netgear, by comparison, unveiled its rival SP101 to much trumpetting and tickertape in January, but it’s been hopelessly delayed and is still unavailable.Like the better known Netgear, the idea behind the Edge Core is that you can make wireless, cheap internet phone calls – free, if you’re calling another Skype user – without a computer. It could replace your home phone: to take and receive calls you only need a router switched on, not your whole PC rig. Or you could theoretically jump on a hotspot in a Starbucks in Seattle and call Swindon for free. If your name’s Steve. Or Sarah.In the hand, this is a nice-looking bit of kit with a screen that is perfectly legible and build quality that’s surprisingly okay. What you will immediately notice, however, is the wobbly number keys that wiggle around when you apply any pressure to them. Although annoying, it’s not a red card for the phone, as this is Skype we’re talking about here, and you can simply pull up your online address book using the (non-wobbly) navigation keys.Call quality’s on a par with the Linksys CIT200 we trialled earlier in the year – just like a normal landline – and we didn’t have any problems getting it talking to our WPA-encrypted wireless network. In fact, after one slightly tedious set-up involving pass keys and our Skype password, it simply signed up straight into Skype every time we powered it up afterwards. You could happily replace your home phone with this, especially as it comes with a smart-ish white charging station.Making calls from hotspots while you’re roaming in the urban jungle is trickier, as you need to know the key to whatever Wi-Fi network you’re trying to jump on. Since the phone can’t browse web pages, you won’t be able to sign into paid-for services such as T-Mobile or BT Openzone – you’ll need to find someone generous enough to leave their network open.


Profile image of Dan Grabham Dan Grabham Editor-in-Chief


Dan is Editor-in-chief of Stuff, working across the magazine and the Stuff.tv website.  Our Editor-in-Chief is a regular at tech shows such as CES in Las Vegas, IFA in Berlin and Mobile World Congress in Barcelona as well as at other launches and events. He has been a CES Innovation Awards judge. Dan is completely platform agnostic and very at home using and writing about Windows, macOS, Android and iOS/iPadOS plus lots and lots of gadgets including audio and smart home gear, laptops and smartphones. He's also been interviewed and quoted in a wide variety of places including The Sun, BBC World Service, BBC News Online, BBC Radio 5Live, BBC Radio 4, Sky News Radio and BBC Local Radio.

Areas of expertise

Computing, mobile, audio, smart home