Top 5 eco charging gadgets
Those gadgets, they need a chargin'. Why not give it to them, eco-style? We have a line-up of the top 5 eco charging options. Freeloader Globetr

Those gadgets, they need a chargin’. Why not give it to them, eco-style? We have a line-up of the top 5 eco charging options.
Freeloader Globetrotter £39.95
This combo of solar panels and rechargeable battery pack is the perfect addition to any camping or beach holiday. Just lash the Supercharger panel to your bag, bike or sombrero and you’ll have your tech juiced up less time than you can say “dos tequilas, por favor”.
HY Mini Wind Turbine £39.95
When the wind starts blowing, get your blower going with the HY Mini Wind Turbine. Add the optional armband or bike mount attachments and turn yourself into a walking, talking and, er, biking windmill.
Freeplay Freecharge 12V Energy Source £17.99
The Freecharge doesn’t have its own battery, but give it a good cranking and it’ll charge anything with a 12v cigarette lighter plug. Combine it with a USB adaptor and you’ll have almost everything covered.
Moixa USB Cell £10.99/pair
We used to burn through AA batteries like nobody’s business until we found out about the USB Cell. These little beauties charge via the USB port on your compy or console. Just whip the end off and plug it in. No more tossing batteries away or fiddling with rechargers for us.
Powertraveller Powermonkey-eXplorer £65
We had to put in a couple of solar offerings, simply because there are so many to choose from. The Powermonkey has a clamshell solar panel and detachable battery pack and comes in a variety of colours, including hot pink. A perfect backup to keep in your bag for emergencies.