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Home / News / Sony’s NGP becomes PlayStation Vita

Sony’s NGP becomes PlayStation Vita

Next-gen handheld games console picks up a new gamer tag, PS Vita


Sony’s NGP has impressed geeks and gamers alike with its densely packed spec sheet and alluring curves since its announcement back in January and after yesterday’s E3 conference the dream device now has a proper name – the PlayStation Vita.  

Vita is appropriately translated as ‘life’ in Latin and we can already see the handheld powerhouse fuelling the lifeblood of gamers the world over. Many games will be available both on the PS3 and the Vita and thanks to cloud-based game saves, adventures can be carried on seamlessly from one platform to the other.

Priced at just US$250 for the Wi-Fi model, the Vita matches the comparatively under-powered 3DS and is a great blow to Nintendo, whose handheld offering looks toy-like by comparison. Although no UK pricing has been announced as of yet, CVG is reporting a figure of £235 for the Wi-Fi model, comparable to the figure on the label of Ninty’s 3D handheld. With a launch set to take place before Christmas 2011, we’ve had to rethink many of our gadget purchases and have tightened our belts to make room for this drool-inducing example of handheld entertainment. The months cannot pass quickly enough.

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Profile image of Dan Grabham Dan Grabham Editor-in-Chief


Dan is Editor-in-chief of Stuff, working across the magazine and the Stuff.tv website.  Our Editor-in-Chief is a regular at tech shows such as CES in Las Vegas, IFA in Berlin and Mobile World Congress in Barcelona as well as at other launches and events. He has been a CES Innovation Awards judge. Dan is completely platform agnostic and very at home using and writing about Windows, macOS, Android and iOS/iPadOS plus lots and lots of gadgets including audio and smart home gear, laptops and smartphones. He's also been interviewed and quoted in a wide variety of places including The Sun, BBC World Service, BBC News Online, BBC Radio 5Live, BBC Radio 4, Sky News Radio and BBC Local Radio.

Areas of expertise

Computing, mobile, audio, smart home

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