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Home / News / Apple’s Black Friday offers are so Apple

Apple’s Black Friday offers are so Apple

Sorry, we mean Apple's 'shopping event' is now live

When is a sale not a sale? When it’s Apple that’s holding it, obviously.

While the rest of the world goes Black Friday crazy with huge discounts on TVs, laptops, cameras, wearables and pretty much every type of object in existence – there’s probably a Black Friday deal on golden retrievers and labradors somewhere – Apple is playing its own game.

Instead of a Black Friday sale, it’s holding a ‘One-day shopping event’.

And instead of offering actual, real discounts it’s giving away gift cards worth from between £20 to £120 with selected purchases.

Sure, these gift cards could be used to be something more cheaply later – but not the thing you presumably wanted to buy (unless you wanted two of them).

Nor is it available on all Apple products. The latest iPhone 7 and 7 Plus phones are excluded, for instance, as is the Apple Watch Series 2.

So what can I get?

Still, a discount is a discount and if you want to get involved you merely need to head to Apple.com/uk and buy one of the qualifying products:

– £20 or £40 gift card with either iPhone SE, iPhone 6s or iPhone 6s Plus

– £40 or £80 gift card with either iPad Mini, iPad Air 2 or iPad Pro (either model)

– £20 gift card with an Apple Watch Series 1

– £120 gift card with selected MacBooks

– £20 gift card with Apple TV

Of course if you want ACTUAL MONEY OFF THE PRICE OF AN APPLE PRODUCT it is possible to find proper discounts elsewhere today. The Apple ‘premium reseller’ KRCS has 4% off all iPhones for instance, and there are refurbished deals available on eBay.

You’ll find hundreds more deals across our Black Friday 2016 pages, so if Apple’s disappointed you why not have a browse for something else instead.

Profile image of Marc McLaren Marc McLaren Contributor


Marc was until fairly recently Editor of Stuff.tv, but now edits a site about cars instead. He has been a committed geek since getting a Tomytronic 3D aged seven, and a journalist since the week that Google was founded (really). He spends much of his free time taking photos of really small things (bugs, flowers, his daughters) or really big things (galaxies and the like through a telescope) and losing games of FIFA and Pro Evo online. You can email Marc at marc.mclaren@haymarket.com

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