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Home / Hot Stuff / Tech toys / Petoi Bittle is like a palm-sized programmable Boston Dynamics robot for the home

Petoi Bittle is like a palm-sized programmable Boston Dynamics robot for the home


If your main concern with Boston Dynamics robots isn’t their terrifying nature but their portability, you’re not going to resist adding a Petoi Bittle (£160) to your home. The dinky robot rocks up as a plastic kit that takes an hour or so to make. It’ll then skitter across your desk and up slopes on spring-loaded legs that give it plenty of expression, like a puppy, or let it right itself with a weirdly alien flipping motion, not like a puppy. As you might expect, your plastic pal is extensible. The custom Arduino board at the heart of the unit gives Petoi Bittle its balance; there’s infra-red for triggering movements; and you can programme the thing in a range of languages, in an attempt to have it do your bidding. Also, you get little plastic heads, which perform the dual function of holding clip-on sensors for things like motion tracking and making your programmable pet look less like a miniaturised robot hell-bent on the eradication of humanity.

Profile image of Craig Grannell Craig Grannell Contributor


I’m a regular contributor to Stuff magazine and Stuff.tv, covering apps, games, Apple kit, Android, Lego, retro gaming and other interesting oddities. I also pen opinion pieces when the editor lets me, getting all serious about accessibility and predicting when sentient AI smart cookware will take over the world, in a terrifying mix of Bake Off and Terminator.

Areas of expertise

Mobile apps and games, Macs, iOS and tvOS devices, Android, retro games, crowdfunding, design, how to fight off an enraged smart saucepan with a massive stick.

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