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Home / Hot Stuff / The OtterBox stand gives the Google Home Mini a Mickey Mouse makeover

The OtterBox stand gives the Google Home Mini a Mickey Mouse makeover

Oh, boy!

What makes a smart speaker more than just a smart speaker? How about a novelty base that makes it look like a cartoon mouse everyone knows and loves? Yes, that’s right, OtterBox has collaborated with Disney to create a new Den Series Base for the Google Home Mini, which features Mickey Mouse’s trademark ears and style. Transforming your Google Home Mini into Mickey is supposed to be a cinch with an easily installation process, and it also includes a power cable at the back. At just over 5in high, the stand is a fun way of quite literally giving your Google Home Mini some more character. It’s currently only listed with a US price tag of $20 on Google’s store and is said to be coming to the UK soon.

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