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Home / Hot Stuff / Smart home / The Flic is your Mac’s new button of power

The Flic is your Mac’s new button of power

Fortunately not available in armageddon red…

There’s only one thing our brains like better than buttons, and that’s squidgy, customisable Bluetooth buttons. The Flic (from £29) is that irresistible dopamine rush, a connected hardware shortcut to pretty much anything you fancy, from smart lights to Spotify. Using its new Mac app (it’s also available for iOS), you can assign different actions to clicks, double clicks and holds, letting you charm the boardroom by firing up the Chromecast, flicking onto your next presentation slide and playing that VLC video. Thanks to IFTTT support, the possibilities are pretty much endless. Our plan? An emergency skip button for the Stuff office playlist.

Profile image of Mark Wilson Mark Wilson Features editor


Mark's first review for Stuff was the Nokia N-Gage in 2004. Luckily, his career lasted a little longer than the taco phone, and he's been trying to figure out how gadgets fit back into their boxes ever since. While his 'Extreme Mark Wilson' persona was retired following a Microsoft skydiving incident, this means he can often be spotted in the wilds of South West London testing action cams, drones and smartwatches, and occasionally cursing at them.

Areas of expertise

Smart home tech, cameras, wearables and obscure gadgets from the early 2000s.

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