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Home / Hot Stuff / Smart home / Get a better night’s sleep with the stylish Circa Smart Alarm

Get a better night’s sleep with the stylish Circa Smart Alarm


We know, we know, your iPhone is a perfectly good alarm clock thank you very much, and one you’re less inclined to punch when it goes off for the fourth time. It makes a device created solely to police your sleep a difficult sell, but we can’t help but like Circa. Now nearing the end of its Kickstarter run (and agonisingly close to hitting its target), the smart alarm uses a combination of audio and subtle lighting effects to help you drift off, while Spotify integration and built-in speakers mean you can rise to your favourite obscure B-side. Each device comes bundled with a sleep sensor that slips under your mattress, with the data it collects used to wake you up at the optimum time and provide feedback on positive changes you can make for a better kip. Black pixels are turned off on the OLED display, keeping overnight light to a minimum. Without voice assistant integration, $199 is a pretty high asking price, but those tempted have about a week to make their all-important pledge.

Profile image of Matt Tate Matt Tate Contributor


I'm fascinated by all things tech, but if you were going to leave me on a desert island, I'd probably ask for my Nintendo Switch, a drone, and a pair of noise-cancelling cans to block out the relentless seagull racket. When I'm not on Stuff duty you'll probably find me subscribing to too many podcasts, playing too many video games, or telling anyone who will listen that Spurs are going to win a trophy this season.

Areas of expertise

Video games, VR, smartwatches, headphones, smart speakers, bizarre Kickstarter campaigns

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