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Home / Hot Stuff / Smart home / The Mookkie smart pet bowl uses facial recognition tech to stop food being pinched

The Mookkie smart pet bowl uses facial recognition tech to stop food being pinched

Food for thought.

Getting your pets to eat from the right food bowl isn’t easy. There’s always one furry fiend that seems to enjoy kibble a little more than the other, meaning you have to keep watch like some sort of prison warden while they chow down. The Mookkie smart pet bowl ($189) offers an A.I. powered solution to that age old problem, and uses facial recognition tech to deliver tasty grub to specific pets. It’s similar to the face-unlock feature seem on newer smartphones, but designed specifically for hungry faces with whiskers, cute little noses, and tufts of fur.

Profile image of Chris Kerr Chris Kerr Contributor, Stuff.tv


I’m a freelance games and technology journalist currently mashing my keyboard in the name of fine institutions like Stuff, where you'll usually find me waxing lyrical about the latest mobile morsels. I've also been known to cook up some decidedly delicious reviews from time to time, and was once dubbed 'the games industry's answer to Nigella Lawson' by someone probably somewhere.

Areas of expertise

Video games, computing, smartphones, home entertainment, lamps

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