Icon – Loewe Individual Compose 3D
Who doesn't need a TV that can be personalised to match your cushions?

Aaargh! The pink edges of that otherwise rather swish-looking TV are clashing with my lemon yellow slacks! Remove it at once!
Oh, chill out. As you should have guessed from the words ‘individual’ and ‘Compose’, this Loewe can be personalised to match your cushions, curtains or even your revolting trousers. And take note of the screen – it’s 3D, which is the height of fashion right now.
This isn’t going to be like when fashion houses make a phone, is it?
Absolutely not. The Loewe’s full HD LCD panel with LED backlighting and built-in 500GB hard drive put it firmly in the smart set. The 3D is of the more sophisticated active-shutter type, and the Loewe can even convert 2D to 3D – you can actually see the Sex and the City girls gaining weight…
Hmm… but what about next season?
Trust me, darling: smart TVs will be all the rage. And with MediaPortal streaming and MediaNet online services, including an integrated browser, the Individual Compose 3D is as future-proof as any TV you can buy. At 40, 46 or 55 inches, she’s no size zero, she’s a beauty, and her coloured magnetic inserts allow for multiple wardrobe changes. Thanks to that soundbar-style speaker, she can even get involved in music without disgracing herself (a rare trick for a supermodel).
3D glasses standard sought by Samsung, Sony and Panasonic