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Home / News / Microsoft Office apps coming to iOS and Android?

Microsoft Office apps coming to iOS and Android?

Microsoft product manager hints that native versions of the app will appear on the platforms early next year

A native Microsoft Office app could be available on both iOS and Android devices in early 2013, if reports are correct. A Microsoft product manager for the Czech Republic mentioned the app in a press release, suggesting March of next year as the release date.

There have been rumours of an Office app for the iPad, but the press release suggests that it might also be available for the iPhone and iPod Touch (plus Android phones as well as tablets).

As to what the app will offer, we’re left to guess. It seems likely that Office, PowerPoint and Excel functionality would all be supported, but we wouldn’t bet on Outlook.

Would you use an Office app on your iPhone or Samsung Galaxy S3? Do you want one? Let us know in the comments below.

[via AppleInsider]

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Profile image of Tom Parsons Tom Parsons Contributor, Stuff.tv


Tom is a nerd. A gaming nerd, a home cinema nerd, a hi-fi nerd and a car nerd. And a bit of a bike nerd, and phone nerd, and computer nerd. Let's call the whole thing off and just go with all-round nerd. In the past he's been an audio book actor, a games tester, a chocolate salesman and a teacher in Japan. Then he joined What Hi-Fi? as a reviewer back in 2007 and moved to Stuff as Reviews Editor in 2011. After a five-year stint on Stuff he rejoined the What Hi-Fi? team where he currently rules the reviews team with a candy floss fist.

Areas of expertise

All things AV and hi-fi, gaming, cars, craft beer, wine, loading a dishwasher

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