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Home / News / This motion-controlled quadrotor swarm is terrifyingly amazing

This motion-controlled quadrotor swarm is terrifyingly amazing

It's only a matter of time before we raise our own army of flying death machines

Flying quadrotors have always excited and scared us in equal measure, and now the Aerospace Robotics and Control Laboratory at the University of Illinois has given us even more reason to fearfully embrace them.

Using ten store-bought quadrotors and pair of modified Minority Report-like gloves, the team has created an army of flying minions that can be controlled with hand gestures.

Two teams of quadrotors can be controlled independently, and they’re even clever enough to alter their formation and position to ensure that they don’t collide with any weak-skinned humans.

Just remember, it’s all fun and games until they gain sentience. After that, no amount of fancy gloves will be able to save you from a quadrotor mutiny.

[via DVICE]

Profile image of Esat Dedezade Esat Dedezade Contributor


Esat has been a gadget fan ever since his tiny four-year-old brain was captivated by a sound-activated dancing sunflower. From there it was a natural progression to a Sega Mega Drive, a brief obsession with hedgehogs, and a love for all things tech. After 7 years as a writer and deputy editor for Stuff, Esat ventured out into the corporate world, spending three years as Editor of Microsoft's European News Centre. Now a freelance writer, his appetite for shiny gadgets has no bounds. Oh, and like all good human beings, he's very fond of cats.

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