PayPal UK Twitter feed hacked
Another week, another major company hacked

PayPal UK has had its Twitter feed hacked – and one of the tweets claimed PayPal had frozen all its customers’ accounts while it deals with the problem.
The hackers also posted a link to the PayPal Sucks website and a message that read, “everybody who uses paypal should read this” as well as some capslock-blighted abuse at the company.
And all this so soon after Apple was hacked and the Fox News Twitter feed was hacked to falsely announce that Barack Obama was dead.
UPDATE: A PayPal UK spokesperson has released this statement: “PayPal UK’s Twitter feed was targeted by hackers tonight. PayPal would like to reassure all customers that PayPal’s UK customer systems and data have not been breached or hacked in any way. There is no link between customer systems and our Twitter account.” The account is now back under PayPal’s control.