Sky Go lands on Android Jelly Bean
Been eagerly awaiting Sky’s player on your latest Android powered mobile? The wait is over – for most of you

Sky Go has been the subject of a lot of your comments to us of late – with much ire directed at its failure to support Android Jelly Bean. Now your lamentations are over as it launches, today, on Android Jelly Bean – just in time for Christmas.
The Android Jelly Bean devices that will support the Sky Go app are:
Desire X, One X, One XL, One S and One V
Nexus 4 and Nexus 7
Galaxy S3 LTE, Galaxy S3 Mini, Galaxy Ace 2 and Galaxy Note 2
Xperia S, Sony Xperia T
In addition to the phones already supported which now have the Jelly Bean update:
Desire, HTC Desire S, HTC Desire HD, HTC Incredible S, HTC Sensation, HTC Sensation XE
Galaxy S, Samsung Galaxy S2, Samsung Galaxy S3, Samsung Galaxy Nexus, Samsung Galaxy Note
That’s your lunchtime viewing taken care of then. Sadly Sky’s not showing any love to Android Jelly Bean tablet users other than Nexus 7 oweners yet – we’ll let you know as soon as that situation changes.
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